Basic Info
Once Christians accepted that Mary was assumed bodily into Heaven, new questions arose. How is Mary’s presence in Heaven different from God’s? How is it similar to, or different from, that of any other human being who is there (such as Abraham)? The answer to both questions, based loosely on Scripture references such as the Woman of the Apocalypse, is that Mary is Queen of Heaven. This led to artists imagine the Coronation of Mary in Heaven.
This tradition became popular during the age of chivalry, when knights were called on to fight only for those less fortunate and queens were idealized as the most virtuous and beautiful women. Human imaginations have used the trappings of earthly royalty to symbolize Mary as Queen because they couldn’t think of anything more lofty and noble than a queen to symbolize Mary’s authority and love.
This theme also gave artists the opportunity to present the Communion of Saints in attendance at the coronation.
Historical Notes
This motif becomes common in the 12th and 13th centuries.
What to Look For
Questions to Focus a General Interpretation
Does the artwork emphasize the actions of God in crowning Mary, Mary’s virtuous persona, the glories of Heaven, or a combination?
Does this artwork seem to give the (erroneous) impression that Mary is a divine being, not a mere human being?
Does the artwork seem to emphasize a hierarchical ordering to heaven or is the scene more chaotic?
Questions to Guide a Personal Interpretation
Does the artwork offer any relevant symbols for our democratic age? Today kings and queens are mostly ceremonial figureheads. Does the artwork require the viewer to provide the richness of the regal symbolism, or does it offer substantive qualities in Mary that are worthy of imitation?
What about this artwork attracts you? What repels you? What might that say about your own world view?
Questions to Suggest a Historical Interpretation
How does the artwork relate to the governmental structure of the artist’s time and place? What was the relationship between Church and government in that time and place?
How was society structured in the artist’s time and place (static, dynamic, hierarchical, networked, set roles, social mobility)? Is that reflected in the structuring of Heaven and earth in this artwork?
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